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Subject List Topics

The soft linking feature of SPFE can often lead to more than one resource being identified as a possible link target for a particular subject affinity. There are several options for handling this. Built into the linking process is the concept of link priority, which allows you to designate certain topic types and topic sets as having higher priority as link targets. By default, a link will be created to the link target with the highest link priority.

However, simply linking to the topic with the highest link priority deprives the reader of opportunity to choose among several resources on a subject, any of which may be of higher priority for them. To provide readers with access to multiple resources, EPPO Simple provides a Subject Link Page topic type. When you include a subject link page topic set in your content set, it will generate a set of topics that list all of the topics on a particular subject. These topics will be indexed as a resource on that subject and will have the highest possible link priority. Thus when a link is formed for that subject, it will lead to the list page, giving the reader access to all of the topics on that subject.

Note that in order to work correctly, the subject list topic set must be listed last in the content set configuration file. This is because it needs access to the link catalogs of all the other topic sets in order to build the list pages.