SPFE Documentation | Collections > Lists of Topics by Subject > Feature: content set

Feature: content set

A list of topics related to the Feature content set.

Task: Adding a new content set

A content set is a collection of one or more related topic sets. A content set generally contains all the content related to a single product, service, or site. ...

Task: Configuring content sets

The SPFE Open Toolkit (SPFE-OT) must be configured to control how it builds output from source XML markup. The content set configuration is an XML structure that specifies which content ...

Task: Configuring SPFE Open Toolkit

The SPFE Open Toolkit (SPFE-OT) must be configured to control how it builds output from source XML markup. One or more configuration files specifies which source content will be processed, ...

Task: Executing the SPFE build system

The SPFE Open Toolkit build system processes a set of topics specified in its configuration to generate output. You will invoke the spfe script with a content set configuration file ...

Feature: Content Set

A content set is the full set of content built by a SPFE build. A content set may contain one or more topic sets. A content set is defined by ...