SPFE Documentation | Collections > SPFE Function Reference > path-after-protocol-part
Function: path-after-protocol-part
path-after-protocol-part(path as item()*) as xs:string
- Description
The path-after-protocol-part function takes a URL containing a protocol (file, http, etc) and returns the part after the protocol. For example, if will turn a URL like this:
This is mostly useful for taking local file URLs returned by some tools and turning them into the local paths accepted by other tools.
Note that this function does not do URL decoding. If the URL you are using may be URL encoded (that is, if it uses %20 for spaces, and similar % encodings for other special characters), use local-path-from-uri.
- Return value
Return type: xs:string
The path with the protocol part removed.
- Source file
- path
Type: item()*
The path to be processed.
<xsl:function name="sf:path-after-protocol-part" as="xs:string"> <xsl:param name="path"/> <xsl:analyze-string select="$path" regex="^([a-zA-Z]{{2,}}://?/?)?(.+)"> <xsl:matching-substring > <xsl:value-of select="regex-group(2)"/> </xsl:matching-substring> </xsl:analyze-string> </xsl:function>